We arrived at 11:30pm, not the best time to find a place to stay so we figured we would just crash in the train station for a few hours and then hit the grotto at the break of dawn. Good plan, except the train station was already locked for the night when we arrived. Luckily Lourdes is a very safe place so we headed out in search for a cheap hotel or good place to wait it out till morn. Come to find out the grotto and basilica grounds (including bathrooms!) are open all night! It was so peaceful and beautiful there I even forgot how cold it was... for the first hour.
Here are some photos around the basilica and grotto at 5am:
Here is the statue of our Lady of Lourdes at the entrance of the grounds. She's all lit up so you can't see her well, but I took the photo to show all the flowers placed on the fence below her.
Here are the candles people light for their petitions.
Tomorrow starts El Camino de Santiago! I'm excited but I also wonder what in the world I've gotten myself into!